Are pests in North Lakes common?

Are pests in North Lakes common?

North Lakes is located approximately 26 kilometres from the city of Brisbane and is one of the quickest growing suburbs on the northside. Home to over 20,000 residents, it’s parks and lakes are a haven for both humans and all types of wildlife, including pests.

Home to many residential dwellings, North Lakes also has large commercial and industrial precincts dotted throughout the 11.65 square kilometres that makes up the entire suburb. These commercial and industrial areas are a haven for rats, mice, cockroaches and a range of other pests that will unfortunately make their way into homes and houses throughout the suburb.

In terms of the population density, it’s certainly one of the more densely populated suburbs as there are tens of thousands of people living in North Lakes, with only just over ten square kilometers of space. This equates to around 2,198 people per square km (compared to 27.71 persons per square km in Dayboro for example).
So if you plan to move to North Lakes, there’s a good chance you’ll be living close to your neighbours and their pests, should their home have an issue with cockroaches, termites or ants etc.

If I’m moving to North Lakes, should I get a pest inspection?

Yes, most definitely. And we’re not just saying this because of the suburb. Before you purchase or rent any new home it’s a good idea to have a pest inspection carried out on the property so you know you’re not going to inherit anyone else’s problems and you can have any pests treated well before you move in and they become a real problem for you and your family.

What types of pests are common in North Lakes?

If you’re thinking about moving to North Lakes, there’s some common pests you can expect to run into fairly regularly. As it’s a densely populated area, there’s always going to be pests that like to hang around, particularly where there’s shopping or food precincts nearby.

Below are some of the pests we encounter in North Lakes on a regular basis.


It’s true that wherever there are people, there’s going to be rats. North Lakes being home to many parks and lakes along with industrial areas, shopping centres and fast food outlets means there’s going to be rats around without a doubt.

If you’re after more info about rats, take a look at our articles How to keep rodents out of your home this winter, Why do rodents chew electrical wires? and How to tell if you have rats or mice in your home.

If that doesn’t take your fancy, you might be more interested in our pest control options for rats.


If you see one mouse in or around your home, chances are there’s going to be more. Mice, when there’s lots in or around your home can cause all sorts of damage. Chewing on wires, eating food stuffs and carrying disease are all some of the things that come with having mice in your home.

With lots of great hiding places for rodents in North Lakes, it’s not uncommon for mice and rats to be a problem in this area.


As with any suburban area that also has shops, takeaway outlets and industrial areas, you can expect to see cockroaches in and around your home. If you think you may have a cockroach problem (you’re seeing signs of a cockroach infestation) it’s time to call in the professionals.


Whilst termites tend to be more common in older suburbs, we still do get calls for termites in and around the North Lakes area. If your home has a timber frame and you see signs of termites in and around your home, it’s best to give us a call right away so we’re able to conduct a pest inspection for you to make sure they’re not doing potentially tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage to your home.

What’s the best way to treat pests in North Lakes?

Yes, there are treatments you can get from your local supermarket or from a hardware store however, these typically don’t tend to destroy things like termite nests, ants nests or remove an infestation of mice or rats, etc. Combine this with the fact that if these chemical treatments aren’t applied properly, they will prove ineffectual, so you will not only have wasted your money, but you will still have pests in your home.

If you’re concerned about pests and are looking for a pest control company in North Lakes, give us a call on 1300 057 067 and we can come to your home, conduct an inspection or complete a pest treatment to control rodents, fleas, ants, cockroaches, wasps, spiders, ticks and termites.

Talk with us today.

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Abolish Termite & Pest Management
Unit 4 / 54 Paisley Drive
Lawnton QLD 4501
Phone: 1300 057 067