Pest control for cockroaches

Get rid of cockroaches in your home

You get up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water, turn on the light and there it is, staring back at you in the middle of the kitchen. Big, brown and ugly. Cockroaches are a pest that nobody wants in their home, and if you see one, it’s likely you’ve got a lot more hiding away around your home.

Cockroach treatments for Brisbane homes

If you think you may have a cockroach problem but aren’t sure of the signs, take a look at our article How to tell if you have cockroaches in your home, and this will help you to determine if you have a cockroach infestation in your home or it’s possibly another pest (like rats or mice).

If you would like to talk with a professional cockroach exterminator, contact us on 1300 057 067 today. We visit your home and conduct a pest inspection to determine the level of infestation and offer you a range of options for exterminating cockroaches and any other unwanted creepy crawlies.

Common cockroaches we treat

What cockroaches are common in Brisbane?

Whilst there are many different species of cockroaches in Australia, there are several types that we commonly see in and around Brisbane. Take a look at the list below and, if you find any of these in and around your home, call us today.

American Cockroach Periplaneta americana
Australian Cockroach Periplaneta australasiae
German Cockroach Blattella germanica

American Cockroach

A large cockroach species that can grow up to 4cm long. These cockroaches are active at night and will feed on food scraps or any other foods left lying around.

Australian Cockroach

Despite what the name suggests, this species is introduced, possibly from somewhere in Asia and has a distinctive yellow patch on the top of its head.

German Cockroach

Smaller than their American and Australian counterparts, these are a very common pest in and around south east Queensland.


Cockroach control that’s right for you

For as long as humans have been living in shelters, we’ve been trying to get cockroaches out of our homes. With Abolish Termite and Pest Management, we help you eliminate cockroaches from your home, your bedrooms, your kitchen, your shed or anywhere else you may find these pests.

Chances are, no matter what type of home you live in, there’s a good chance you will have cockroaches invade your property at some stage. If you’ve seen one cockroach, there are likely many more lurking in and around your home, just waiting for the lights to go out before they start their foraging.

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What’s your property type?

It's likely that no matter where you live – an apartment, townhouse, home or property, you’re going to have cockroaches come into your home. They’re more active at night so it’s likely you will see them when you get up in the middle of the night, or turn a light on in a room that hasn’t been disturbed for some time.

We also find cockroaches are common in areas where they aren’t likely to be disturbed and have a plentiful food supply like sheds and garages.

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Level of infestation

The level, placement and type of infestation you have will determine the types of treatments we offer. If you’ve only seen a few cockroaches in and around your home, it’s likely a general pest treatment will do the job – if the infestation is severe, we have a range of options available to deal with this.

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Different approaches to get rid of cockroaches

We can conduct a general pest treatment which is fine for low levels of pests in your home. If you have a severe cockroach problem with multiple species, a range of professional roach killers may need to be used.

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We understand that not everyone has buckets of money lying around their home to spend on pest control and roach extermination, this is why Abolish Termite and Pest Management offers some of the most competitive prices in North Brisbane.

Don’t let cockroaches run rampant in your home.

Talk with us today about our cockroach control services for homes in Brisbane.
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A warranty certificate issued with each treatment so you have peace of mind.

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Our inspectors use the latest in insect control products and are applied by an Accredited Applicator.

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Australia Wide

Our revolutionary products have been used to treat 200,000 homes.

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Customer Support

If you have concerns or questions, call us any time.

If you’re looking for complete pest management in Brisbane and surrounding areas, Abolish Termite & Pest Management is the service for you.

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on termite protection.



Abolish Termite & Pest Management
Unit 4 / 54 Paisley Drive
Lawnton QLD 4501
Phone: 1300 057 067