How do termites get in your home?

How do termites get in your home?

If you’ve ever been inside a termite-infested home, it’s not a pretty sight. There can be damage all throughout the home and the worst thing is, many customers don’t even know it’s happening until it becomes a very large, very expensive issue. Termites can be the silent killers of homes because if you’re not looking out for signs of them entering your home, they can find their way in and eat your home from the inside out.

Often, we’ve arrived at a house where the owner has found some termite activity, only to find multiple issues that span from cosmetic, right through to severe structural damage that renders the house uninhabitable.

Why are termites entering your home in the first place?

Termites, like everything in the animal kingdom, need food and shelter and your house has an abundance of both of these. Termites eat cellulose, which is found in wood, paper, bark and pretty much any plant-based material.

They also need moisture, which is why it’s always a good idea to fix any leaks or wet areas around your home as this can entice termites into your home. Regular pest inspections are one of the best ways to ensure your home stays safe and there are no warning signs of infestation or areas that termites may want to target.

Termites will enter your home because:-

  • Your home is a source of food for termites
  • Your home also provides moisture
  • Your home is a safe place to shelter (with food and water)

What causes termites to enter your home?

As we’ve already established, termites will enter a home because it’s a source of food, water and shelter. There are a few reasons as to why they may choose your home as opposed to the next-door neighbour or someone down the street for example.

Leaks, drips and plumbing problems

If you’ve got any internal leaks in your home from faulty showers, taps or even dripping connections under vanities, this is going to be a drawcard for termites. If those leaks go unnoticed and make their way into the soil underneath your home, this is going to be something that termites will find particularly interesting!

It’s also worth noting that roof leaks can make their way down internal walls and not only start to decay the wood framework (which termites will love) but also give water an opportunity to make its way into the ground below your home. Getting roof leaks fixed is a great way to ensure you’re doing all you can to discourage termite activity around your home.

Dodgy construction

Construction flaws in your home can also give termites a better chance of getting into your home without being seen. If your home is built on a concrete slab, it’s incredibly important that pipe entries and joins to the slab are protected, particularly during the construction phases.

If you have an older home or one that’s built on stilts or stumps, ant capping needs to be in place and in working order. Ant capping is a sheet of metal that sits between the stumps that hold up the house and the framework of the house.

Whilst ant capping won’t stop termites from getting into your home altogether, it will ensure they can’t bore their way through the middle of stumps so they will need to create mud tubes around the capping, which will enable them to be spotted during an inspection.

Moisture in the soil

This is a major factor in attracting termites to your home. Termites absolutely love moist soil so if you have wet areas around your home from runoff, poor drainage or leaks from your gutters or pipes, it’s advisable to get these seen to as quickly as possible.

How do termites enter your home?

There are a few different ways that termites will make their way into your home. As we’ve explored above, there are certain things that will attract termites to your home, but what are the signs you need to look out for?

If you see any of the following signs of termite activity, it’s best to call a professional termite control company right away.

Exploration tubes

Termites live underground so often they will gain entry into a home via the soil. If they find a particularly tasty section of a home, they will build exploratory tubes so the worker termites can explore the area to see if there’s a potential food source for the colony.

Mud tubes

The exploratory tubes are typically underground or in the soil so you won’t see them easily as they will often lead right up to your home. Once termites figure out an entry point into your home, they will start making what’s referred to as mud tubes. These are rounded tunnels made of mud that allow termites to travel along to access your home without being subject to sunlight, outside temperatures or potential prey.

Cracks, gaps and joins

Whilst mud tubes are the most common way termites get into homes, they can also gain entry in gaps and cracks, particularly around areas where wooden construction materials meet the ground. Cracks in the concrete slab or the foundation of your home are also prime entry points for termites.

If you suspect you may have termites in your home but aren’t sure, take a look at our article How to tell if termites are active in your house and if you’re still not sure, contact us today and we will come to your home, perform a termite inspection and give you a thorough written report of what we find.

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Abolish Termite & Pest Management
Unit 4 / 54 Paisley Drive
Lawnton QLD 4501
Phone: 1300 057 067