How to tell if you have a bee infestation and what can be done about it

How to tell if you have a bee infestation and what can be done about it

You’re outside enjoying your morning coffee when you hear it. A humming, buzzing sound that starts off quiet, but as you notice, it gets louder and louder. Then you see them buzzing and flying in all their yellow and black glory. Bees. Lots of them.

Now having bees in your backyard is totally normal; in fact, they’re great for pollinating flowers and basically keeping everything on earth alive however, an infestation of bees can be a dangerous thing to try and live with; but how do you know when you’ve got an infestation of bees and what can you do about it?

What to do when you think you might have an infestation of bees

Step 1: Observe

The first thing you will want to do if you think you might have a bee infestation is to observe. Stand still near or around the area they’re congregating and simply observe where they’re going if they’re landing anywhere near your home, crawling into walls or tree stumps, etc.

If they have a nest, there will likely be several bees going to a fro from it, so it won’t take long to notice where they’re all headed on their way home. From here, it’s important to move slowly and do not disturb the nest if there is one.

There are many things we can do ourselves, such as flat pack furniture construction or replacing light bulbs; however, disturbing a bees nest isn’t one of them. If bees are disturbed, they will attack with everything they’ve got, and unless you want to end up looking like the worst player on your paintball team, leave them alone and call a pest control company that deals with bees.

Step 2: Take notice of where the hive may be

Once you’ve evaluated you have a potential infestation; it’s important to figure out where the bees may be nesting so you can figure out if you need to close up any rooms, cordon off an area for pets and children and the best point of access for a pest control company to get rid of the offending hive.

If you have a European bee infestation, they’ve likely made their nest somewhere inside your walls as they tend not to make hives out in the open. They may be getting into your home via an external wall with an opening somewhere, and you will likely hear the noise of the nest before you find it.

If it’s a species of bee that makes their nests on posts, poles, trees or anywhere else outside, show your family and anyone else in and around the home where the nest is so they don’t accidentally disturb the nest (you don’t want the next door neighbour’s kid disturbing the nest near a fence line if he’s kicked the footy over the fence).

Signs of a bee infestation

There are a few telltale signs that you have a bee infestation, particularly if they’re in your home. Below is a list of things to watch out for if you think you may have a bee problem in your home:-

  • An increase in bee activity
  • You actually see a beehive
  • There’s humming or buzzing coming from the walls
  • There are dark stains on your walls

If you see any of these signs and are concerned, it’s best to contact a bee pest control company like Abolish Termite and Pest Management, and we will be able to take care of your bee problem for you.

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Abolish Termite & Pest Management
Unit 4 / 54 Paisley Drive
Lawnton QLD 4501
Phone: 1300 057 067