Pests & insects to watch out for after rain

Pests & insects to watch out for after rain

If you’ve lived in Brisbane for any length of time you will know we get our fair share of summer storms (which usually hit around school pick up time!) and we can have very wet summers. 

If you’re wondering how rain affects pests, we’re here to talk about the different types of pests you might encounter after a lot of rain, along with if the rain will impact your pest control or not.


In Brisbane, the change of season from spring to summer brings about a change in the weather. Most noticeable is our pattern of summer storms and hot, humid weather that can bring about a range of different behaviours in insects and pests throughout the region. 

Below are some of the different types of pests we see in and around Brisbane and how their behaviour or visibility may change when those storm clouds start rolling in and our gutters and water tanks start filling up with summer rains. 


Cockroaches often choose humid, moist areas to live. This is why we often see them congregating in wet areas around homes. More often than not we find infestations in and around bathrooms and laundries where there is a constant source of moisture. 

Often, when we get large amounts of rain, this will flood different locations throughout your home like drainpipes, sewer pipes and downpipes, etc. This often displaces cockroaches from their hiding spots and to avoid being swept away by the deluge, they often attempt to make it into your home for safety and nourishment. 

We regularly get calls from homeowners and businesses about cockroach problems once we’ve had a good downpour. If you’ve seen an increase in cockroach activity in your home or business after rain, feel free to call us and we can organise a pest inspection and treatment. 



You’ve no doubt heard the old-timey wisdom of ‘ants make a move when they know rain is coming’. Whilst scientists are still trying to figure out how exactly ants know if there’s rain coming, it’s our opinion that ants can, in fact, be a pretty good predictor of a large rain event. We certainly find we get more calls about ants during and after significant rain events. 

Many ant species will move to higher ground when rains come. This can sometimes mean building higher nests but more often than not, this means moving into a structure like a building or your home. 

Ants being opportunistic foragers will feed on anything sweet, so if you’ve got spills on your benches, food on the floor or drops of juice, soft drink or any other sweet drink around your sink or pantry, ants are likely to congregate around this and crawl all-around your kitchen as a result.


Rats and Mice

After constant and persistent storms, you may notice more rodent activity in and around your home. This is not unusual as storms and floodwaters can damage and destroy their natural nesting spots and they will be hurriedly looking for a new home that is dry, warm and has a food source. The perfect place for this can just happen to be your home as well. 

If you suspect rodent activity around your home, it’s important they’re dealt with as quickly as possible as once rats and mice decide to settle in your roof or gardens, they start having babies and once that happens they can be even more difficult to remove. 

If you’re noticing bite marks in your fruit or food left on benches, or you’re hearing scuffling and bumps against your walls and in your roof, it’s possible you have rodents living with you and you will need to contact a pest control professional to help manage these pests. 


If you’ve noticed any of the above pests after a series of storms or wet weather, feel free to contact us on 1300 057 067 or book an inspection.

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Abolish Termite & Pest Management
Unit 4 / 54 Paisley Drive
Lawnton QLD 4501
Phone: 1300 057 067